The Concrete sealing Geelong provides ongoing protection.  Just like you do regular painting at your home. Similarly, it is important for you to seal the concrete routinely to protect the concrete surface and driveways from moisture so that it has a lasting life.

Concrete Sealing Geelong

But sometimes, during the
Concrete Sealing Geelong process, problems can arise due to various reasons. And these problems can arouse frustration for concrete contractors. When the concrete sealing floor does not look or work as expected, the cause behind the problem can be traced back to over-application, which means that the sealer was applied in non-ideal conditions.

Listing down some of the common sealer issues that concrete contractors may face, why these issues occur, and how they can be avoided.

    Sealer Bubbled

The presence of bubbles in the sealer usually happens due to the heavy application of the sealer. The outgassing from the concrete floors during the application of sealers should be able to move through the thin and wet sealer film quickly. How to explain thin?  With a coverage rate of 300 square feet per gallon, a single coat of sealer should be almost 5 mils thick when wet. When it dries up, it should be about 2 miles thick. IF the concrete sealer is applied heavily, the air that is displaced from the surface won't get enough space to escape. Therefore it forms a bubble in the concrete sealer surface.

One of the other reasons why bubbles occur on the sealed surface is that when the application is done in hot weather or if the concrete surface is under the direct sun. In such conditions, the sealer will “skin over “ and turn dry on the surface before the solvent evaporates. The pressure of the solvent when trying to evaporate will lead to the formation of bubbles in the concrete sealer surface. Therefore it is suggested to apply the sealers during the coolest time of the day, which is usually night when there is no direct sun.

    Solvent-based sealer turned white, is peeling or is flaking off

There are two main contributors to the “blushing” or to the whitening of the concrete sealer.  The first one is the application to the wet or fresh concrete surface that still has bleed water.  When this happens, the sealer will not bond with the concrete surface and will be going to float on the trapped film of the water.  Another reason could be the application of thick layers. Heavy coats of the sealer, or a build-up of multiple layers of the sealer over the several layers, will allow moisture to get trapped inside the layers, and thus it will allow the sealer to lose its adhesion from the concrete. When this happens, the moisture and the air trapped under the debonded sealer have a refractive index that the sealers start to appear white to the human eyes. During this, the sealer will start peeling and flaking off the surface. To avoid such problems, it is therefore advised to hire the best concrete contractors that are experienced and trained.

    The Water-based sealers are white or powdery

The process of drying water-based sealers is said to be very complicated and is also significantly affected by the humidity and temperature of the environment during the process of application.  The water-based acrylic sealers are dried with a process known as coalescence, in which the water and the coalescing solvent evaporates and fuses together the particles of acrylic to form the sealer film. If the temperature during the process is too low or the humidity is too high. In that case, the coalescing solvent will start evaporating even before the water evaporates, and the sealer will start drying out white or powdery because the latex particles did not fuse together.

Therefore it is always suggested to apply the sealer in the right temperature and humidity conditions that are required for successful applications.

    Sealer is stained from leaves, oil, tires, fertilizers, and more.

Most of the concrete sealers are made with acrylic polymers that do not offer exceptional stain or chemical resistance to the concrete. If you want a more durable and chemical and stain resistant surface. In that case, it is best to either have an epoxy coating or a urethane coating surface and make sure that the coating application is perfect for exterior use before applying it to the outdoor concrete.

    The concrete is dark and blotchy after the sealer is applied

Most of the acrylic sealers are designed in such a way that they darken the concrete surface and leave a glossy finish up to the extent that gives the concrete surface a “wet look.”  A sealer is used to deepen the true color of the concrete and is going to highlight all the differences in the texture of the surface that comes due to finish or floating.  The concrete sealing Geelong also brings out the grains in concrete just like the varnish does for a wood. If you are concerned about the changing color after the sealing. In that case, it is suggested that you should either use a penetrating water repellent sealer or can also do a small application test for the film-forming sealer to make sure the change color will be accepted.

If you have been looking for Concrete Grinding Geelong Services, then Premium Concrete Resurfacing is the right place for you as they a team of experienced and professional experts that are aimed at providing the best customer services to their clients and are also renowned for Concrete sealing Geelong services.